A primeira estátua de Steve Jobs foi inaugurada, na quarta-feira passada, em Budapeste. Dois dias depois, a endividada Hungria teve sua nota de crédito rebaixada para o nível de junk. Em janeiro, entra em vigor uma nova Constituição húngara que oposicionistas e governos de vários países denunciaram como um retrocesso autoritário. Mas Steve Jobs está lá imortalizado, com quase 2 metros, em bronze.
A estatura de Jobs como o empresário mais importante e inovador da indústria americana é incontestável e não depende de monumentos. Mas a escolha de herói, na Hungria mergulhada numa crise econômica e renegando valores democráticos, merece uma pausa.
O livro mais vendido do ano nos Estados Unidos é a biografia de Steve Jobs, escrita por Walter Isaacson. A notícia da morte do fundador da Apple foi recebida com um luto planetário que beirou a histeria, distante da reação à morte recente do checo Vaclav Havel, um dos mais inspirados líderes políticos do século 20.
Escrevo esta coluna num iMac, enquanto carrego a bateria do meu iPhone e, na minha lapela, está pendurado um iPod Nano, que uso em caminhadas. Minha coleção de música de Cartola, Nelson Cavaquinho e Paulinho da Viola está arquivada no meu iTunes. Quando encontro um recalcitrante usuário de PC's, repito como me senti liberada pelo sistema operacional, como é um prazer me despreocupar com vírus, e ainda faço piada sobre fiascos como o Windows Vista.
Mas o que é o vírus no meu computador comparado ao parasita que mata 800 mil pessoas de malária, todos os anos? O perfeccionista Steve Jobs teve grande sucesso em proteger seus produtos dos vírus.
Já Bill Gates, o fundador da Microsoft, prefere erradicar a malária. E combater a fome. E levar água potável a vilarejos africanos. E aumentar o acesso dos pobres a financiamento. E distribuir bolsas de pesquisa nas áreas de saúde, agricultura e educação. E fazer uma campanha internacional pelo Imposto Robin Hood, uma taxa sobre transações financeiras.
Certa vez, na década de 90, passei uns dez minutos sentada numa cadeira oposta à ocupada por Bill Gates. Ele estava num estúdio de TV dando uma entrevista atrás da outra para promover uma nova edição do Windows. Enquanto a gravação não começava, ele olhava para o chão com uma expressão vazia e jamais tomou conhecimento da mulher na sua frente. A cada sinal do diretor no estúdio, Gates adquiria uma súbita animação para vender seu peixe. E logo voltava ao estupor. Saí pensando, este cara não é humano.
Lembro que, quando deixou a Microsoft em 2006, Bill Gates ainda era sinônimo do ditador corporativo. Na década anterior, a Microsoft foi processada por prática ilegal de monopólio nos Estados Unidos e pagou à União Europeia uma multa de quase US$ 800 milhões, a maior da história, num processo semelhante. Falar mal de Bill Gates era tão fácil quanto pescar num aquário.
Steve Jobs morreu com uma fortuna avaliada em US$ 8 bilhões. Quando o investidor Warren Buffet desafiou bilionários a doar metade de suas fortunas em vida, Bill Gates já estava ocupado distribuindo bilhões através da Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, num total que hoje já passa de US$ 25 bilhões. Jobs disse não ao desafio de Buffet e amigos seus, ouvidos pelo New York Times, comentaram que, perto de morrer, ele havia concluído que faria melhor em expandir a Apple do que doar para caridade.
Steve Jobs introduziu a estética do design como um triunfo do consumo de tecnologia.
Bill Gates pede aos ricos para prestar atenção na feiura da miséria e financia tecnologias que trazem uma beleza maior e mais duradoura à vida de milhões de pessoas.
Tanto Jobs como Gates fizeram inimigos na escalada para o Olimpo corporativo, uma empreitada para a qual aspirantes à santidade não devem se candidatar.
Em 1983, Jobs atraiu John Sculley, então presidente da Pepsi Cola, para ser o CEO da Apple, com a seguinte provocação: "Você quer passar o resto da vida vendendo água açucarada ou quer mudar o mundo?".
Bill Gates quer passar o resto da sua vida concentrado em 2,5 bilhões de habitantes do planeta que vivem com menos de US$ 2 por dia, os não consumidores de produtos da Apple. Quem decidiu, de fato, mudar o mundo?
sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011
Não Poluir Praias,rios,mares,lagos e mangues é um dever de todos.
A maior causa poluidora dos tempos atuais e o lixo e residuos sólidos que com o acrescimo da população o aumento destes poluidores causam desastres e problemas ao meio ambiente e a população que sofre com enchentes e desmoronamentos em épocas de chuvas torrenciais que no dia 25/12/2011 fez muitas avarias com erosão um carro caiu em um buraco com mais de 1m,numa rua em Santos que desmoronou .
Em Guaruja ruas alagaram e se transformaram em rios e o lixo,residuos sólidos são a maior causa.
Em Bertioga praia de Itaguaré os residuos sólidos e sacos plasticos poluem a ultima praia virgem do litoral norte SP é uma vergonha e um despreso ao povo Brasileiro e ao meio ambiente.
Pagamos impostos e somos obrigados a viver no lixo e não é por falta de denunciar o que falta é respeito e AMOR ao próximo.
Somos filhos de Deus não Donos do Mundo mais somos responssaveis pela terra que Deus Deu.
Em Guaruja ruas alagaram e se transformaram em rios e o lixo,residuos sólidos são a maior causa.
Em Bertioga praia de Itaguaré os residuos sólidos e sacos plasticos poluem a ultima praia virgem do litoral norte SP é uma vergonha e um despreso ao povo Brasileiro e ao meio ambiente.
Pagamos impostos e somos obrigados a viver no lixo e não é por falta de denunciar o que falta é respeito e AMOR ao próximo.
Somos filhos de Deus não Donos do Mundo mais somos responssaveis pela terra que Deus Deu.
quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011
Presidente Dilma acabou de aprovar a construção de Belo Monte.
Caros amigos brasileiros,
A presidente Dilma deu o sinal verde para a construção da barragem de Belo Monte que destruirá enormes áreas da Amazônia. As notícias levaram o cacique Raoni, líder do povo caiapó, às lágrimas. Vamos apoiá-lo e gerar um grande volume de ligações para a presidente Dilma pedindo para ela impedir a construção de Belo Monte e defender a Amazônia!
A presidente Dilma acabou de aprovar a construção de Belo Monte, a barragem que irá devastar uma grande área da Amazônia, destruíndo o Rio Xingú. O cacique Raoni chorou ao prever o futuro do povo caiapó, que será duramente afetado pela represa. Agora suas lágrimas estão inspirando milhões de pessoas a agir para impedir Belo Monte, e nós podemos ajudar a fazer a diferença.
Nos dias seguintes ao anúncio, uma crescente onda de protestos varreu o país e ontem o Ministério Público Federal do Pará entrou com a 11a. ação civil criminal contra Belo Monte pelo não cumprimento de medidas prévias exigidas para preparar a região para os impactos sócio-ambientais. A pressão sobre a presidente Dilma está se intensificando e se mais brasileiros agirem, nós podemos ter um impacto importante em conseguir reverter a situação.
O governo ainda pode impedir Belo Monte e desenvolver estratégias de energia alternativa sem destruir a Amazônia nem violar os direitos dos povos indígenas e ribeirinhos da região, mas isso só vai acontecer se um número suficiente de brasileiros se manifestarem. Nos próximos dias, vamos apoiar o cacique Raoni telefonando intensamente para a presidenta Dilma pedindo para ela salvar a Amazônia. Veja abaixo o número para o qual ligar e o que dizer. Depois de ligar, veja abaixo o link para compartilhar os detalhes de sua chamada com milhares de brasileiros.
A presidente Dilma deu o sinal verde para a construção da barragem de Belo Monte que destruirá enormes áreas da Amazônia. As notícias levaram o cacique Raoni, líder do povo caiapó, às lágrimas. Vamos apoiá-lo e gerar um grande volume de ligações para a presidente Dilma pedindo para ela impedir a construção de Belo Monte e defender a Amazônia!
A presidente Dilma acabou de aprovar a construção de Belo Monte, a barragem que irá devastar uma grande área da Amazônia, destruíndo o Rio Xingú. O cacique Raoni chorou ao prever o futuro do povo caiapó, que será duramente afetado pela represa. Agora suas lágrimas estão inspirando milhões de pessoas a agir para impedir Belo Monte, e nós podemos ajudar a fazer a diferença.
Nos dias seguintes ao anúncio, uma crescente onda de protestos varreu o país e ontem o Ministério Público Federal do Pará entrou com a 11a. ação civil criminal contra Belo Monte pelo não cumprimento de medidas prévias exigidas para preparar a região para os impactos sócio-ambientais. A pressão sobre a presidente Dilma está se intensificando e se mais brasileiros agirem, nós podemos ter um impacto importante em conseguir reverter a situação.
O governo ainda pode impedir Belo Monte e desenvolver estratégias de energia alternativa sem destruir a Amazônia nem violar os direitos dos povos indígenas e ribeirinhos da região, mas isso só vai acontecer se um número suficiente de brasileiros se manifestarem. Nos próximos dias, vamos apoiar o cacique Raoni telefonando intensamente para a presidenta Dilma pedindo para ela salvar a Amazônia. Veja abaixo o número para o qual ligar e o que dizer. Depois de ligar, veja abaixo o link para compartilhar os detalhes de sua chamada com milhares de brasileiros.
terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011
The price of not listening to nature
The cataclysm environmental, social and human that befell the three mountain counties of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Petropolis, Teresopolis and Nova Friburgo, in the second week of January, with hundreds of deaths, destruction of entire regions and an immeasurable suffering of those who lost family, homes and all their possessions as has most immediate cause torrential rains, typical of summer, the geophysical setting of mountains, with little ground cover that grows on the lush subtropical forest, sitting on huge flat rocks that because of infiltration weight of water and vegetation often trigger deadly mudslides.
They blamed people who occupied areas of risk, to criminalize corrupt politicians who destribuíram hazardous terrain and poor, it criticizes the government which was lenient and did not do prevention work, because they are not visible and not voters. In all this there is much truth. But it is not the main cause of this tragedy overwhelming.
The root cause stems from the way as we treat nature. She is generous to us because we offer everything you need to live. But we, however, regard this as a trinket, delivered to our pleasure, without any sense of responsibility for its preservation or give it some consideration. Instead, we treat it with violence, depredamo it, tearing it all we can for our benefit. And yet turned it into a huge trash from our waste.
Worse, we do not know its nature and its history. We are illiterate and ignorant of history that took place in our places on the course of thousands and thousands of years. We do not care to know the flora and fauna, mountains, rivers, landscapes, significant people who lived there, artists, poets, rulers, scholars and builders.
We are, in large part, borrowers still the modern scientific spirit that identifies reality with their purely material and mechanistic aspects without including her, life, consciousness and intimate communion with the things that poets, musicians and artists for the recall in its magnificent work. The universe and nature have a history. She is being told by the stars, the Earth, the outcrop and elevation of the mountains, animals, forests and rivers. Our task is to learn to listen and interpret the messages they send us. The native peoples knew capture every movement of clouds, the direction of the winds and they knew when they came or not Waterspouts. Chico Mendes who took part in long penetrations of Acre in the Amazon rainforest could interpret every sound of the jungle, to read signs of the passage of ounces in the ground and leaves, with the ear to the ground, I knew what direction would the herd of hazardous
wild pigs. We unlearn all that. With the use of science we read the history recorded in layers of each being. But that knowledge did not come into school curricula or turned into general culture. Before he turned to master the technical nature and accumulate.
In the case of mountain towns: there are naturally heavy rains in summer. Where landslides occur slopes. We know that already installed the global warming that makes the extreme events more frequent and more dense. We know the deep valleys and streams that run them. But do not listen to the message they send us is: do not build houses on the slopes, do not live near the river and the riparian preserve zealously. The river has two beds: one normal, minor, through which flow the waters and a larger one that gives rise to the great waters of the torrential rains. In this part you can not build and live.
We are paying high price for our neglect and for the decimation of the Atlantic that balanced the rains. What is needed now is to listen to nature and do preventive work that respects the mode of being of every hill, every valley, every river.
Only control nature in that we listen and obey him your messages and read their signals. Otherwise we must rely on fatal preventable tragedies.
"The care to save life,
do justice to the impoverished
and redeem the earth as
Homeland and Matra of all. "
(Leonardo Boff)
They blamed people who occupied areas of risk, to criminalize corrupt politicians who destribuíram hazardous terrain and poor, it criticizes the government which was lenient and did not do prevention work, because they are not visible and not voters. In all this there is much truth. But it is not the main cause of this tragedy overwhelming.
The root cause stems from the way as we treat nature. She is generous to us because we offer everything you need to live. But we, however, regard this as a trinket, delivered to our pleasure, without any sense of responsibility for its preservation or give it some consideration. Instead, we treat it with violence, depredamo it, tearing it all we can for our benefit. And yet turned it into a huge trash from our waste.
Worse, we do not know its nature and its history. We are illiterate and ignorant of history that took place in our places on the course of thousands and thousands of years. We do not care to know the flora and fauna, mountains, rivers, landscapes, significant people who lived there, artists, poets, rulers, scholars and builders.
We are, in large part, borrowers still the modern scientific spirit that identifies reality with their purely material and mechanistic aspects without including her, life, consciousness and intimate communion with the things that poets, musicians and artists for the recall in its magnificent work. The universe and nature have a history. She is being told by the stars, the Earth, the outcrop and elevation of the mountains, animals, forests and rivers. Our task is to learn to listen and interpret the messages they send us. The native peoples knew capture every movement of clouds, the direction of the winds and they knew when they came or not Waterspouts. Chico Mendes who took part in long penetrations of Acre in the Amazon rainforest could interpret every sound of the jungle, to read signs of the passage of ounces in the ground and leaves, with the ear to the ground, I knew what direction would the herd of hazardous
wild pigs. We unlearn all that. With the use of science we read the history recorded in layers of each being. But that knowledge did not come into school curricula or turned into general culture. Before he turned to master the technical nature and accumulate.
In the case of mountain towns: there are naturally heavy rains in summer. Where landslides occur slopes. We know that already installed the global warming that makes the extreme events more frequent and more dense. We know the deep valleys and streams that run them. But do not listen to the message they send us is: do not build houses on the slopes, do not live near the river and the riparian preserve zealously. The river has two beds: one normal, minor, through which flow the waters and a larger one that gives rise to the great waters of the torrential rains. In this part you can not build and live.
We are paying high price for our neglect and for the decimation of the Atlantic that balanced the rains. What is needed now is to listen to nature and do preventive work that respects the mode of being of every hill, every valley, every river.
Only control nature in that we listen and obey him your messages and read their signals. Otherwise we must rely on fatal preventable tragedies.
"The care to save life,
do justice to the impoverished
and redeem the earth as
Homeland and Matra of all. "
(Leonardo Boff)
quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010
HOTSPOTS, buildings existing 34 OF THE WORLD ARE 2 IN BRAZIL! INCLUDING Itaguaré Bertioga-SP
The places of great biological wealth and the most endangered on Earth, the hotspots are areas with a high degree of endemism sheltering many species not found anywhere else. Conservation International (CI) identifies 34 hotspots around the world where 75 percent of mammals, birds and amphibians the most endangered of the planet, survive in a habitat covering just 2.3 percent of the earth.
Of the six Brazilian biomes, the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are printed on CI - list of biodiversity hotspots. With more than 20,000 plants (8,000 endemic) and 2,300 animals (725 endemic), the Atlantic Forest is considered one of the top 5 biodiversity hotspots in the world.
The density of biodiversity in this ecosystem is particularly impressive. The Biomap University of Bonn from 1999 indicates the occurrence of more than 5,000 vascular plants on an area of 10,000 km2 of tropical forests in southeastern Brazil. According to UNEP - WCMC, more than 450 kinds of woody plants can be found in just one hectare of Atlantic forest in Southeast Reseras calls.
Of the six Brazilian biomes, the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are printed on CI - list of biodiversity hotspots. With more than 20,000 plants (8,000 endemic) and 2,300 animals (725 endemic), the Atlantic Forest is considered one of the top 5 biodiversity hotspots in the world.
The density of biodiversity in this ecosystem is particularly impressive. The Biomap University of Bonn from 1999 indicates the occurrence of more than 5,000 vascular plants on an area of 10,000 km2 of tropical forests in southeastern Brazil. According to UNEP - WCMC, more than 450 kinds of woody plants can be found in just one hectare of Atlantic forest in Southeast Reseras calls.
Copies of all 611 plant species already cataloged by scientists in the region that goes from the beach Itaguaré to the Serra do Mar are deposited in the Herbarium of Universidade Santa Cecilia, the only one of Santos.
Created in 1998 under the stewardship biologist Zélia Rodrigues de Mello, he now has 6000 specimens, part of the Brazilian Network of Herbaria, Botanical Society of Brazil.
There, the plant samples are dried under pressure between sheets of absorbent paper on wooden planks, technically known as presses.
Held in conditions of constant temperature and humidity, free from insect attack, may be preserved indefinitely.
After drying, the plants are displayed on cards and given a label, where are recorded all information concerning the place where they were collected, and aspects that can not be recovered through the sample, as their odor and color of flowers and fruits, which are change with drying.
Highlights of the collection are the flora of the sandbank Bertioga algae from the coast of Santos, flora of the Botanical Gardens in Santos, native and exotic medicinal plants used by the population of Santos.
Area is endemic animals
Studies conducted over the past years Itaguaré indicate the presence of many endemic species of animals, or that do not exist elsewhere. This applies, for example, 13 species of anurans (frogs, toads and frogs), identified by scientists at USP.
The area is also habitat for about 230 bird species, many waterfowl, which nest along the 12.5 km long river Itaguaré.
Among the birds, especially Tucano-de-Bico-Black (Ramphastos vitellinus), a species regarded as probably extinct in the State of Sao Paulo, the Red List of the State Secretariat of Environment. There is also record the presence of alligators-the-crop-yellow, Ocelot, pumas and jaguars among other mammals.
Created in 1998 under the stewardship biologist Zélia Rodrigues de Mello, he now has 6000 specimens, part of the Brazilian Network of Herbaria, Botanical Society of Brazil.
There, the plant samples are dried under pressure between sheets of absorbent paper on wooden planks, technically known as presses.
Held in conditions of constant temperature and humidity, free from insect attack, may be preserved indefinitely.
After drying, the plants are displayed on cards and given a label, where are recorded all information concerning the place where they were collected, and aspects that can not be recovered through the sample, as their odor and color of flowers and fruits, which are change with drying.
Highlights of the collection are the flora of the sandbank Bertioga algae from the coast of Santos, flora of the Botanical Gardens in Santos, native and exotic medicinal plants used by the population of Santos.
Area is endemic animals
Studies conducted over the past years Itaguaré indicate the presence of many endemic species of animals, or that do not exist elsewhere. This applies, for example, 13 species of anurans (frogs, toads and frogs), identified by scientists at USP.
The area is also habitat for about 230 bird species, many waterfowl, which nest along the 12.5 km long river Itaguaré.
Among the birds, especially Tucano-de-Bico-Black (Ramphastos vitellinus), a species regarded as probably extinct in the State of Sao Paulo, the Red List of the State Secretariat of Environment. There is also record the presence of alligators-the-crop-yellow, Ocelot, pumas and jaguars among other mammals.
Studies coordinated by geologist Celia Regina de Gouveia Souza shows that Itaguaré beach erosion presents strong evidence - a growing problem on the coast.
The data indicate that in 2001, 22.8% of the beaches in Sao Paulo were 'very high risk' of erosion. In the last survey, done in 2007, this figure rose to 33%. Meanwhile, the beaches at low risk of erosion fell 5% in 2001 to 2.3% in 2007. "In other words, the situation tends to get worse."
For the researcher, the reasons are inadequate occupation of the coast and coastal plains, which, among other factors, removes the original vegetation of "sandbank" and amend the drainage network - in addition to natural features such as the current rise in sea level .
A study released by the IBGE showed that between December 2001 and December 2006, the sea level along the Brazilian coast has risen an inch.
In the coast, tide gauge data collected by (an instrument that records the ebb and flow of the tides at a given point on the coast) of the Oceanographic Institute of USP, installed since 1954 in Cananea, show that in recent 55anos sea level rose in the region 30 cm.
As a reference, data from the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC / UN) indicate that sea level has risen on average 20 cm around the world from 1990 until 2006.
Island Porchat
To Celia Regina, the more the level rises, the greater the cases of erosion. She cites as an example of this clash between the sea and human occupation, the Kinks Beach in San Vicente.
'When they made the connection with the island Porchat in the late 1940s, created a blockage that prevents the sand from the beaches of Itararé comings and Santos reached the Kinks, on those beaches that had its main source of sediment. In the early '50s began to emerge the first signs of heavy erosion, "he says.
Celia explained that the City Council at the time, began to build stone piers to lessen the impact. However, these interventions only worsened the problem.
"These piers serve as a trap, trapping sand on one side and increasing erosion on the opposite side, because blocking the coastal currents that carry sand along the beach. Today, much of this beach is disappearing, a process that tends to intensify, especially with global warming and rising sea levels, "says the researcher.
The shuttle's trip
The coastal plains are the result of a slow and continuous process of rising and falling sea levels, the result of interspersed periods of heating and cooling the planet.
Between 1.5 million and 18,000 years before present, the Earth passed through four glacial periods. Them, global temperatures dropped, the sea receded and the great masses of ice, now confined in the South and North poles, grew up and moved toward the equator.
However, in the interglacial periods, when the temperature rose, the ice melted, the sea retreated again to rise. For about 120,000 years ago and also 5600 years, for example the sea in certain parts of our coast, came to the foot of the Serra do Mar, then to slowly recede.
During these retreats, the sea was leaving rows of beach, which now fill much of our coastal plains and became the paleopraias. At each new rise in sea level, some of these paleopraias are eroded.
It was thus eroding and depositing sediments that our coast has been getting the current features. The beaches as we know them today were taking form there are about 1500 and 2000 years, when the sea was receding to the level near the present.
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